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Sella & Martinic, LLC Is Combining Its Tax Practice with SPC Financial, Inc. to Deliver Comprehensive Services

Effective January 1, 2025, Sella & Martinic, LLC is combining its business with SPC Financial, Inc. to create a fully integrated, tax-efficient wealth management experience.

If you already work with both SPC Financial® and Sella & Martinic, this combination will streamline your experience as the trusted professionals of both businesses will work as one team.

For Sella & Martinic clients, this combination provides an opportunity to access additional services through multi-disciplinary, tax-integrated, human-centric wealth management professionals. While there is no current obligation to expand your relationship, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss how our combined capabilities might benefit your specific situation.

Together, our services will include wealth preservation, portfolio management, college funding, income tax preparation, income and estate tax planning, and retirement planning. You may view our investment advisory, management, and financial planning services at spcfinancial.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How will this affect the preparation and filing of my 2024 tax return?

A: The tax preparation process will be similar to your previous experience. Notably, because we no longer operate a branch office of Raymond James and have transitioned our clients to Fidelity, we cannot directly access your Raymond James account documents, including your annual account statements and forms 1099.  The 1099 forms will need to be provided by you to us, either by mail, in-person drop-off, or uploaded to your SPC vault (if applicable).

Q: Will Sella & Martinic’s services or fees be changing?

A: Even though SPC Financial® will be the entity preparing your tax returns and managing the tax and accounting fees, our plan is to keep in place the principal fee arrangements you have had with Sella & Martinic unless your scope of services is changed.

Q: What do I need to do?

A: Currently, no action is required by you. We will be in touch over the coming weeks. SPC Financial® will provide a welcome packet with an updated client engagement agreement and tax organizer for your completion on or before January 15, 2025.

Q: Who can I contact if I have questions?

A: Please don’t hesitate to contact your tax advisor or Sella & Martinic’s office at 301-770-0200 or your SPC Financial® advisor at 301-770-6800. We are available and prepared to address any concerns.

Thank you for your continued trust. We look forward to building upon our strong foundation to serve you even better in the coming years.